Enhancing the capability of agencies, communities and state systems of care in the implementation of well-supported evidence-based programs to better address the needs of families in crisis.
President's Note
Welcome to the Family Centered Treatment Foundation. We represent a rare mix!
A group driven by Entrepreneurial spirit;
A nonprofit business model focused solely on the social good;
A comprehensive therapy model that is supported by rigorous research and recognized as an Evidence Based Practice;
A pragmatic common sense approach developed by front line practitioners in challenging real world situations.
I am dedicated to our mission as one of the driving forces in my life. The Foundation was created for the purpose of providing a comprehensive evidence based model that is driven by service. There are no investors and all proceeds go toward improving the Foundation and its services. The Foundation offers cost effective alternatives for those wishing to provide state of the art services to families and children.
I hope you enjoy learning more about FCT as you examine our web site.
Dr. John P Sullivan
Click to watch: Dr. John Sullivan discusses the origins of the FCT Foundation and Family Centered Treatment Model.
Family Centered Treatment (FCT) origins derive from practitioners’ efforts to find simple, practical and common sense solutions for families faced with: 1) forced removal of their children from the home, or 2) dissolution of the family due to external and internal stressors and circumstances.
In the 1980’s, the first referrals came from juvenile justice for ‘challenging’ youth deemed in need of removal from their home and community. John Sullivan, PhD and his colleagues sought to bring successful practices from residential facilities and apply them to the home and community. A distinguished practice grew out of a mission to create opportunity for change for families by uncovering inherent strengths and values while living and modeling dignity, respect and connection.
The model evolved and is continually adapted for maximum impact in a family’s home environment which today spans national urban, rurual, and frontier communities with inclusion of those influenced by child welfare, mental health, substance mis-use, trauma, developmental disabilities, and juvenile justice.
FCT is rooted in obtaining input from families, practitioners, and community leaders. Cultural, societal and generational influences shared by recipients create solutions for trauma and injustices. Families are invited to engage in surveys, share testimonials, and join FCTF committees. FCTF’s affiliation with NCTSN expands knowledge and access to resources and experts are sought to train FCT personnel.
The first referrals were from the juvenile justice system. These were soon followed by social services and mental health agencies. By the early 90’s, word of mouth spread our services to multiple states. After a featured spot on the CBS news program “Eye on America” with Dan Rather, which brought national attention to the treatment approach, more agencies and locations became eager to try it. Reports and studies about success with families historically defined as “resistant to services,” resulted in continued growth.
Emphasis on mission—not on profit—meant that resources were directed toward improving internal operations and thus improving the practice. By the early 2000’s, Family Centered Treatment had spread to seven states, and today we continue to grow.