Data collection analysis and results are what drive Family Centered Treatment’s advancement. When agencies are licensed as a provider of FCT, Family Centered Treatment Foundation provides research and program evaluation related to Family Centered Treatment for the licensed agency.
The following overall outcomes are highlighted for Family Centered Treatment services.
These outcomes reflect admission policies that accept 98% of all referrals. These referrals primarily consist of children and youth who have not responded to community based services. They are either returning from institutional care or have been identified as in need of placement outside of their home.
data driven outcomes
FCT works with the family to determine the timing of closure, using an analytical process that evaluates the changes that have occurred and the family’s ability to use the strategies and independently of external agencies. Other models consider that the treatment has concluded when behaviors change due to conformity or compliance with external demands.
Please contact us to learn more about these outcomes and the demographics of families served.
“In the first year following treatment, we found that youth receiving FCT significantly reduced the frequency of their offenses and adjudications, and that the proportion of youth with offenses and adjudications was also significantly reduced. These findings were sustained 2 years’ post-treatment.”
Proven FCT Outcomes
* Sullivan, M. B., Bennear, L. S., Honess, K. F., Painter, W. E., & Wood, T. J. (2012). Family Centered Treatment—An alternative to residential placements for adjudicated youth: Outcomes and cost effectiveness. Journal of Juvenile Justice, 2, 25-40.
Family Centered Treatment has participated in two major national studies designed to meet the criteria necessary for designation of FCT as an evidence-based practice.
In the first major published study*, Family Centered Treatment services were provided to youth and their families through the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services Non-Residential Community Based Program. This is one of the most significant programs to provide a community-based alternative for youth who are adjudicated delinquent that has been implemented to date. These youth are at risk of secure or locked detention or residential placement. An overriding goal is to keep the youth with criminal history in the community and divert the youth from further penetration into the juvenile or adult system and the contract integrated a “no reject / no eject” factor. This no reject/no eject factor is significant to Family Centered Treatment and sets it apart from other evidence-based models in that FCT does not identify specific selective factors to eliminate from its data.
Since the program pilot was implemented in 2004, Family Centered Treatment services have been provided to more than 1700 Maryland youth and their families
FCT has proven its ability to generate significant cost savings for states, funding source and service providers.