FCT Foundation will provide a readiness assessment for an applicant agency upon written request to become a provider of the Family Centered Treatment model of home based services.
The readiness assessment is designed to evaluate the applicant agency’s capacity to implement the components necessary for the provision of FCT.
Within each step of the readiness assessment are specific components required for review. If interested and you would like additional information in pursuit of this innovative treatment model please click here to contact FCT Foundation.
Procedures for Applicant Agency
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In that FCT is both a management and clinical model the readiness assessment will include:
1. A review of submitted materials to FCT Foundation including agency philosophy, organizational design of management, the agency mission statement, policy and procedures, any additional requested documentation that demonstrate the support necessary to fulfill the Family Centered Treatment agency licensing process.
2. Interview of the top agency management personnel.
3. Willingness to enter contract for board/funding commitment and support to enable Family Centered Treatment certification for all FCT clinicians (6-12 month process with an average requirement of 80 hours but this can take some clinicians up to 100 hours of training)
4. Willingness to enter contract for board/funding commitment and support to enable Family Centered Treatment approved supervisor training for all FCT supervisors (6-12 month process requiring use of audio/visual taping and submission of supervision sessions).
5. Willingness to enter an oversight and management contract with FCT Foundation requiring board/funding commitment and support to ensure sustainability of adherence (fidelity) to the FCT model after the implementation of the training and certification of clinicians.
6. Willingness to enter contract for board/funding commitment and support to ensure a system to provide data collection and research as required assuring fidelity to the FCT model during the course of treatment for each client and outcome data provided upon discharge.
7. Interview with key clinical staff and directors/owners/presidents regarding applicant agency’s rationale for the selection of FCT as the model of choice for the agency.
8. Review of applicant agency’s accreditation’s, endorsements, certifications or other commendations.
Apply Now to Become a Provider
Please click the button below to fill out a form and express interest in becoming an FCT Provider.