FCT Roadmap
Step 1: Phase
Step 2: CPM PTSS
Step 3: AFF
Step 4: Confirm
Step 5: Theme
Step 1: Phase
Gain family trust and identify strengths & areas of family need
Identify patterns and practice new skills
See changes as necessary over compliance
Skill adoption and predict future challenges
Step 2: CPM PTSS
Total Score 1-10 indicates Mild Risk for PTSD and ongoing problems associated with the potentially traumatic experience(s)
Total Score 11-20 range identify moderate risk for PTSD and ongoing problem associate with the potentially traumatic experiences(s)
Total Score 21 or higher identify a severe risk for PTSD and ongoing problem associated with the potentially traumatic experiences(s)
Total score 0 indicates no Risk for PTSD and ongoing problems associated with the potentially traumatic experience(s)
Step 3: AFF
- Looks to others outside family system to problem solve
- Does not follow up to ensure problem are solved or needs met
- Projects blame rather than owning responsibility is theirs
- uses blaming and shaming
- is indirect and inferring
- makes 'you' statements
- does not listen to each other /cannot reflect back what the other members are saying
- may have no adult ensuring physical safety or development of boundaries
- may have no method for age appropriate activities or responsibilities in line with developmental needs
- looks to children to meet adults emotional needs
- does not demonstrate a common understanding or clarity regarding who does what daily living tasks
- does not permit expression of feelings
- is not able to permit range of feeling expression
- denies feelings impact behaviors
- may have multiple members involved in self-medication or other
- primarily looks to others external to the family for acceptance, sense of worth, closeness and belonginess
- or does not permit relationship or activities or experiences external to the home/family
- has multiple members who are not able to self-regulate their behaviors and require the involvement of external systems
- has physical safety concerns as hitting or destruction of property / possessions is a norm
- has needs related to many of the other six domains
- changes in structure (members entering or leaving) necessitating ROLES as the first AFF
Step 4: Confirm
Review the information below. If everything is correct, click "Confirm". If something is incorrect, go back to necessary step and re-submit.
Step 5: Theme
FCT Therapeutic Interventions